Local company local prices

At PrintMatters we are constantly keeping an eye on our competitors.

Our regular customers know our prices and our service and return to us. However you will often bump into someone at an event or just in passing who will always enquire as to your price.

We often hear from this person who does not have all the information in front of them “that’s quite expensive” and “you are competing with the internet so you will never be as cheap as online”

The one that is often cast up to us is printing.com. Mass printing, mass customers, mass marketing. One thing is for sure the marketing works. Everyone has the perception that they are dirt cheap and we could never compete with them.

Here are some top line prices for you;

Stationery pack consisting of 500 letterheads, business cards and compliment slips;

printing.com with 20% off is £167 or £209 normally
PrintMatters standard price is £129

Roll up banner;
Printing.com is £128
PrintMatters is £99

So why are printing.com so expensive, we can only guess that you are paying for all the adverts. 
They confuse you with the pricing strategy as well, by pricing banners separate from banner stands you think you are getting a deal. At PrintMatters if you want a banner you get the stand anyway, its common sense.

PrintMatters; local pricing from a local company, and you can even speak to us on the phone.

Online shop coming soon!

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