Bright Ideas

Imagine the frustration. You receive a new set of corporate stationery from your printer You open the box to see your new corporate image which is going to convey all manner of professionalism to your customers and propel you to that next level.

Then you spot a mistake.

Surely its not like that on everything?! But it is. All 2000 invoices, all 2000 compliment slips and everyone of your 3000 letterheads. You check the signed proof. The mistake was on the design all along but you missed it.

Darn it.

Your printer says “Sorry but you proofed it” but surely after all the business you have given them over the years they will be able to help you out somehow?! Discount on the reprint or sell the stock or something.

Nope. “Sorry your fault your problem.”

You are fuming. So you start thinking how can I fix this? Labels, its not a big mistake if I just get labels printed up and stick one on every time we send things. Great.

So you phone a few printers and they give you the price for the labels its just as much as the bleedin’ stationery.

You phone and ask the local printer in Yellow Pages and are met with a similar response. “They will not save you much; it will look tacky to send that out with your new logo.” Your heart sinks.

Then you hear the question “Have you got all your letterheads?”

You spark up thinking, glimmer of hope. “Yes”

“Tell you what bring them in. We could chop the top and bottom off the letterheads to make your compliment slips that way your not paying for more paper than you need.

“Brilliant, what will it cost to do it all?”

“About 1/3rd of what you paid originally”

Relief washes over you. A very bad day turned brighter.

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