Direct Mailing

Direct mail is a long established marketing tool and is considered a cost-effective way to attract attention to a company or product.

People tend to like receiving post and are statistically more likely to spend more time looking at what the postman’s delivered than what’s landed in their email inbox. Direct mail is tangible, you can hold it and the very act of opening a piece of DM already engages prospective customers much more so than an email.

Even if an email gets through the spamfilter and firewall the recipient still has only the subject line to decide whether they open or delete the message. This is a very small window of opportunity for the company advertising to “sell” to the recipient.

Traditionally direct mail has been one message to a mass of people where only a minority will respond positively to the advertising material. As a digital print company PrintMatters can target your data based on things such as postcode, name, or any other data that you hold on your customers or prospective customers. This data can then be used to change the message the recipient receives providing a much targeted mailing relevant to all your customers.

Due to the huge explosion in online and new media communications in the last ten years many companies are switching to direct mail as a way to stand out amongst the crowd.

Further evidence shows that while print is growing rapidly in its effectiveness and email communication diminishing; response rates can double by combining email and print in a direct marketing campaign. By following up print with a targeted email the response rates can double to that of print alone.

For more information on our previous direct mailing exercises or for a quote please contact us on 01356 625 033 or email

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